Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In the middle of the nighf

It's 4:30 a.m. I can't sleep. What is wrong? I usually sleep a deep sleep every night. Guess the Lord wants me awake for some reason. I was lying in bed praying. But then got up ...to see if there is something God wants me to know. So, I remembered that Pastor Bennie wanted us to read the BOOK of James. I read Chapter 1. Then I studied it and read the Wycliffe Bible Commentary on it. James said we must not be double-minded, like someone who is tossed on the waves of the ocean, up and down, believing one minute, not believing another minute. That means I must be consistent, praying, believing that God will answer me, and believing God is who He says He is. He is the Father of Lights, coming down from above. And one thing I know, I do not want to be known as "religious", the kind of person who just hears the Word of God, and it goes in one ear and out the other, and not be a "doer" of the Word. Acting on what the bible says. We go to church every Sunday, shake the preacher's hand, and say, "Good sermon pastor" but then during the week we don't act like a Christian...we talk the talk, but "don't walk the walk". That is what James is saying in that chapter...one of the things..
Well, it's now 6:30AM. Going back to bed. Maybe I can sleep now. I am praying for rain. It is so windy and hot here in S. Texas. Wish it would rain for a week!
Yes! I am soooo sleepy.

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