Saturday, October 22, 2011

Remembering other Friday nights

Well, last night was a lonely night for me. I remember the days when Friday night football was the highlight of my week...high school football that is. When I was a teenager, then when I was a young married girl and Eddie loved high school sports too, we still went to the high school games, like Robert E. Lee High in San Antonio, who we followed all the way to state one year, going to San Angelo for the Final Game, which Lee lost..that was a sad trip back home!!
Then in later years we always played bridge on Friday nights, first with Patty and Charles Flocke our best friends, and also with good friends in our church, St. Marks Methodist in San Antonio.
It was always the day, Fridays, that we always went out to eat too. The only day of the week we went out to eat. If it was payday...
When Eddie would come home from work, especially when we moved to Hurst, we would head to a local restaurant to eat...C.A.'s Restaurant on Pipeline Rd was a favorite, or Chow Soon across the street from them. When we were in Hurst last weekend, we drove down that street and all the good old restaurants are gone. It made me nostalgic going down that street. Or maybe we would go to Wyatt's Cafeteria in the Bellaire shopping center near the Bellaire Theater. I think that was the name of it...I know it was a cafeteria...
Not many place to eat then, so it was easy to pick one that was our favorite.
Then in late 70's and until August 1982, we would play bridge with Mike and Julie on Friday nights, either at their house in Roanoke or our house. Mike loved to play bridge almost as much as Eddie. Julie and her daddy always played against me and Mike. I think they beat us quite often! Duh! Eddie always beat everyone at card games. Especially bridge and gin rummy!!
Then in the 90's on Friday nights we were going to a Community Group meeting at somebody's house or an all night prayer meeting at the church, led by Wanda and R.D.'s group, they were our best friends then, and we were always together, at our house or their house. Praying together, or praying for someone, we never knew when someone would show up at our house or their house asking for prayer. We sometimes would spend half the night praying ...lots of people were saved, delivered, or healed on Friday nights. I looked forward to Friday nights back then.
So, now I have all these memories and I am so glad. I focus on the good times and not the bad times...and there were many of those too...but I always look for a silver lining in the darkness. I focus on that.
So now it is Saturday morning and the darkness is over and I look forward to a wonderful sunny day and wonder what the Lord has for me today.
Rocia is here with Julie and I am going to Curl Up and Dye to get a perm, and then afterward maybe I will just start driving...and wind up some place fun, awesome, and never know...just follow Holy Spirit...and He will lead me to some place interesting...I just know it!!

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